Guys, vote aku ya dengan cara membuka link ini lalu kemudian klik "LIKEUntuk itu, saya menghaturkan banyak terima kasih karena telah membantu. Semoga ini bisa menghantarkan Sari ke Kanada. Aminnn.... :)
Posted by Sari R Syahrial at 12/23/2010 02:31:00 AM | Labels: Aku dan Ketertarikanku | 0 comments | Kirimkan Ini lewat Email BlogThis! Bagikan ke X Berbagi ke Facebook |
Ya, aku ditunjuk menjadi moderator bedah novel pada Jumat, 17 desember 2010 yang diselengarakan berkat kerjasama Kafha Paramadina dan PT. Gramedia Pustaka.Novel yang bergenre sastra ini berjudul Entrok. Barangkali teman" sudah ada yang baca atau melihatnya dalam list buku terbaru di Gramedia.Novel ini menuangkan banyak muatan-muatan menarik, teman"! mulai dari feminisme, militerianisme, humanis, pluralis dan multikulturalisme. Dari judulnya saja sangatlah menarik, Entrok, diambil dari bahasa jawa yang telah usang, artinya adalah pakaian dalam wanita, atau yang sering kita sebut BH atau Bra.Pada bedah buku ini hadir sebagai pembicara bapak AG. Eka Wenats (Pengkritisi Media) dan Ibu Okky Madasari (Pengarang Novel Entrok) dan saya sendiri (Sari Riantika) sebagai moderator.
Posted by Sari R Syahrial at 12/23/2010 01:23:00 AM | Labels: Aku dan Kebanggaanku | 3 comments | Kirimkan Ini lewat Email BlogThis! Bagikan ke X Berbagi ke Facebook |
SBY’ decision to cut Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X authority get much attention from many people. It has invited pro and contra arguments.
Pro people agree with SBY opinion that the monarchy system in Yogyakarta should be abolished, because it was considered violation to the constitution. But many of them argue that as a President, SBY is not wise. Instead of, SBY is adjusted as a cunning president such as Soeharto but in softer way. He hides behind instrument and argument of democracy to reach an absolute authority in Indonesia.
Not only in government and political officials, This issue also get response from a university student. A contra statement was expressed by Yulianti, 20, a student of communication study of Paramadina. She said that it was not a humane act and unsuitable time for SBY to convey the statement.
“ We should remember that Jogja was facing so many disasters lately,” Yuli said.
She suggested that SBY supposed to be a wise president especially to convey the statement and also know the best time to convey the argument whatever and whenever it is.
Posted by Sari R Syahrial at 12/15/2010 12:07:00 AM | Labels: Aku dan Artikelku | 0 comments | Kirimkan Ini lewat Email BlogThis! Bagikan ke X Berbagi ke Facebook |
(Goodreads Indonesia Phenomenon)By: Sari Riantika Damayanti
-Media Studies, Communication Study-
University of ParamadinaIt doesn’t leftover if I said that reading is a key to improve a country. One of the different between developed country and developing country is about the high level in reading and writing capability of the society. The higher reading interest, a more advanced a country's society.
Books are your window to the World. By reading a book can enrich your knowledge that comes from all over the world. It can be used in utilizing resources existing for the development of our country.
Talk about reading, reading tradition has been begun for a long time since writing tradition appeared. Although, in the days before the invention of paper and printing press, the writing tradition is only able to use simple medium like stone, leaves of papyrus, clay, etc, it can not simply be abandoned, it still maintains its existence. Even though in Indonesia itself reading interest is still low such as recent data from Central Bureau of Statistics of Indonesia in 2006, shows that the Indonesian people who read to obtain new information were just 23.5 percent of the total of population. Meanwhile, with as much as 85.9 percent watch television and listen to the radio by 40.3 percent.
Media technology took a participation to increase reading interest in society, so it natural if there are so many technology in specific as a helping medium to reading activity, such as e-book (electronic book), so it isn’t bothering someone to bring original books somewhere and there is also an audio books--books in audio wave, e-magazine or e-newspaper that provides a variety of new forms for the global society in obtaining information and knowledge.
A very interesting innovation by new media today is the emergence of social networks for book reader communities on an international scale that is Goodreads. A social networks that specialize in cataloging books (Goodreads) has been established since December 2006, but was released on January 30, 2007.
Goodreads Indonesia is a community of readers which is a sub group of Goodreads communities founded in America. Similar with other social networking sites, Goodreads (Indonesia) also provides the content of friend, group, and discussion. The difference lies in the activities of its users, Goodreads allows members who have registered to display a list of books that have been read, being read, or to be read. And the users can exchange information in there, share your recommendations or reviews about certain books and then provide ratings or rankings on these books.
Goodreads Indonesia(GRI) always tries to play an active role in Indonesia’ books. This community wishes to become an active reader community embodied in the various mission activities in the online world as well as in the real world. The mission of each activity is always directed to create a "bridge" or a space of dialogue between writers and readers, publishers and readers, and society as a reader most.
GRI members currently number around 4300 people. The majority of the members of the GRI are women (69%) and men (31%), with the largest single status (73%) compared with those who are married and have kids.
GRI members are adults with age range 21-30 years (60%) compared with other age ranges. Higher education background is a graduate member of the GRI (67%), Post Graduate (12%), and Diploma (11%) but the majority have a lower educational background.
Because all this time members of the GRI to communicate through the virtual world, then the distribution of domicile of its members is really diverse. Average inhabit large cities that already have a strong internet infrastructure network. The majority of members are in Jakarta (41%), Bandung (12%), Greater Jakarta (11%), and followed by other cities.
In addition to online interaction, the community is also often hold events outside that GRI’ members meet person to person such as discuss about book review directly, read books together, held review books competition, organize the book exhibition, visit museums and libraries, in social activities. They collect books given to some libraries or improvement some schools for many tools of school, beside that culinary tours, and even karaoke together which also aims to familiarize themselves members of one another.
Goodreads existence certainly bring a positive impact both for those who have interest in reading, the author nor the publisher. Goodreads provides a place for those who have the same interests to gather, share, exchange opinions, and socialize. Social networks are not just fixated on the activities of users looking for a friend but also trained to dare to express ideas, opinions and assessments of an ideology-issue-context contained in a book. Of course, Goodreads must continue to innovate to update the needs and desires of its users so as not to be abandoned by its users and keep sustainable reading culture.
Through Goodreads, we can maintain and preserve the culture of reading so as not to be abandoned by the current generation even be improved and also for the social networks of this type can tickle the author nor the publisher to publish a book of higher quality.
God, I hope this writing for SEAMEO can bring Sari Riantika Damayanti go abroad to Australia and Brunei Darussalam. Amiiinnnn
Posted by Sari R Syahrial at 12/12/2010 08:16:00 PM | Labels: Aku dan Artikelku | 0 comments | Kirimkan Ini lewat Email BlogThis! Bagikan ke X Berbagi ke Facebook |
Sari Riantika, Ayub WahyudiUniversity of Paramadina, Faculty of Philosophy and Civilization,
Jl. Gatot Soebroto, Kav. 97, Mampang, Jakarta, Indonesia 12790
sarisyahrial@gmail.com (Sari Riantika)
aw.nasrun13@gmail.com (Ayub Wahyudi)
AbstractLast development of limited-effect of media is the birth of information society. These period is described that today information is not the focus of society. Information has become a critical needs, it’s become a general commodity. The society has no interest of how to get the information, no matter how actual and controversial it is. The media has to become more sensitive to society needs of information. Attractive information is based on how the media can package the information. Uses and gratification perspective based on how active the society explains that the more media can give finest gratification the more society use the media. The society uses the media base on their needs. The more media can fulfill the needs of society – more capable media to become object of society needs release – can be considered as a perimeter to see how powerful effect media can effected the society. The assumption is more sophisticated the technology more powerful the media. technology can support the media to how package the information to fulfill the society needs and can increase the uses of media. The other words, how powerful the media based on how active society uses the media.
Key Words: New Media, Media Effect, information society, Uses and Gratification Perspectives
Author’s BiographySari Riantika, 2nd year student of Philosophy and Civilization Faculty in university of Paramadina, in major communication study, concentrated in media studies. She is an achiever full bright scholarship “Paramadina Fellowship” sponsored by Paramadina University and BNI 46. Beside that, She also active as a folk dancer at last she went to Poland to introduce Indonesian culture in traditional dance at 8-23 August 2010. She interested in TV news broadcasting.
As like as Sari, Ayub Wahyudi is also 2nd year Student of Communication study, in major media studies. He is also an achiever full bright scholarship at Paramadina University “Paramadina Fellowship” sponsored by Paramadina University and BNI 46. He actives in leadership, humanity and culture organization and interests in critical study of film content and effect.Posted by Sari R Syahrial at 12/11/2010 02:59:00 AM | Labels: Aku dan Artikelku | 0 comments | Kirimkan Ini lewat Email BlogThis! Bagikan ke X Berbagi ke Facebook |
I think that the article with the title “Wikileaks Cuts A New, Wired Path for Journalism” written by Robert MacMillan and Peter Griffiths in social media column of The Jakarta Post July 28, 2010 edition has a good value of news. This article opens the new perspective of how new journalism works. In this case, it is about how Wikileaks presents news.
Wikileaks is not just a social web media but assumed by journalist as a new phenomenon. They bring vulnarable issues to get attention and heavy exposure such as about corporate and government corruption or a US helicopter case in Iraq in 2007 that killed a dozen people, including two reuters journalists and so on.
Democracy as an ideal system really appears in this media. Their courage to criticize the system is worthy to give a praise. It proved with a number of award that they won Economist magazine New Media Award 2008, Amnesty International's UK Media Award (in the category "New Media") in 2008, the New York Daily News listed WikiLeaks first in a ranking of "websites that could totally change the news in may 2010.
From Journalism side, it supposed that Wikileaks also has elements of Journalism according to Bill Kovach and Rosenstiel’ book such as journalistic truth, loyalty for society, doing verification, independent from sources, doing watchdog function, providing a place for pubic discussion, attracting the audience with the news, making a proportional and comprehensive news, and also having a moral responsibility. But from the whole of the elements, there is one point which makes Wikileaks’ works to be dubious as a journalism. For instance, in regard to the principle of journalistic truth, they rely on anonymous sources and leaks. Nevertheless, Wikileaks is a good beginning point for new media and journalism. Salute!Sari Riantika Damayanti
-Media Studies, Communication Study_
University of ParamadinaPosted by Sari R Syahrial at 12/11/2010 02:53:00 AM | Labels: Aku dan Artikelku | 1 comments | Kirimkan Ini lewat Email BlogThis! Bagikan ke X Berbagi ke Facebook |
Tradisi membaca telah lama dimulai yaitu sejak adanya tradisi tulisan. Walaupun, pada zaman sebelum ditemukannya kertas dan mesin cetak, tradisi tulisan ini hanya mampu menggunakan medium sederhana seperti batu, daun papyrus, tanah liat dan lain sebagainya, tradisi membaca tidak begitu saja ditinggalkan, ia tetap mempertahankan eksistensinya bahkan berkembang begitu cepat.
Saat ini, teknologi media berpartisipasi aktif dalam meningkatkan minat baca masyarakat, maka tidak heran jika banyak teknologi yang mengkhususkan diri sebagai medium pembantu aktivitas membaca, misalnya diciptakan e-book (electronic book), sehingga sekarang ini orang tidak perlu repot membawa bentuk fisik buku kemana-mana karena buku digital ini bisa dijinjing dengan lebih praktis, ada juga audio book yaitu buku dalam bentuk gelombang suara.
Yang sangat menarik dari inovasi oleh media baru saat ini adalah munculnya jaringan sosial untuk komunitas pembaca buku dalam skala internasional yaitu Goodreads. Jaringan sosial yang mengkhususkan pada katalogisasi buku (Goodreads) ini telah berdiri sejak Desember 2006, namun baru dirilis pada 30 Januari 2007.
Serupa dengan situs jejaring sosial lainnya, Goodreads menyediakan konten friend, group, dan discussion. Bedanya terletak pada aktivitas penggunanya, Goodreads memungkinkan para anggota yang telah terdaftar untuk menampilkan daftar buku yang telah dibaca, sedang dibaca, atau yang akan dibaca. Dan para pengguna dapat saling bertukar informasi di sana, berbagi rekomendasi atau review mengenai buku bacaan tertentu untuk kemudian memberikan peringkat atau ranking pada buku bacaan tersebut.
Konsep yang digagas oleh Otis Chandler dan Elizabeth Khuri berhasil menarik para penggemar buku dunia, termasuk di Indonesia. Para pengguna jejaring sosial Goodreads aktif membagi informasi dalam kajian diskusi. Dari pertemuan di dunia maya ini, mereka mencoba menyatakan kegiatan dengan membentuk klub buku. Kegiatan rutin dari klub buku ini seperti bedah buku yang diadakan setiap 1 (satu) bulan sekali dengan topik yang berbeda-beda. Buku yang diulas pun beragam, bisa fiksi maupun nonfiksi. Tujuannya adalah untuk membagi informasi serta pengetahuaan kepada sesama khususya yang memiliki ketertarikan yang sama dalam hal membaca. Selain itu, kegiatan nonton bareng, karaoke bersama, jalan-jalan dan wisata kuliner juga menjadi salah satu agenda untuk mengakrabkan diri satu sama lain.
Melalui Goodreads, jenis buku tertentu secara detail bisa disosialisasikan secara cepat dan mudah untuk menarik minat para pembaca membeli buku tertentu. Nilai tambah yang bisa diperoleh adalah bahwa pembaca, penulis dan penerbit tidak hanya mengetahui isi dalam sebuah buku namun juga bisa mengetahui bagaimana buku yang dikatakan baik dan sesuai pangsa pasar saat ini sehingga bisa menambah khasanah penyebaran buku-buku berkualitas.
Di Indonesia sendiri anggota Goodreads tersebar di seluruh jajaran pulau, beranggotakan lebih dari 4000 orang lintas latar belakang pendidikan, pekerjaan, dan usia. Yang masih belum dioptimalkan adalah bagaimana mengorganisir kesemua anggota dengan batasan geografis dan demografis ini, jangan sampai kegiatan ini seolah hanya terpusat hanya satu wilayah saja, misalnya Jakarta. Akan tetapi, bisa lebih meluas misalnya dalam penyelenggaraan diskusi dan pertemuan.
Menurut saya, hadirnya Goodreads ini merupakan hal yang positif. Muatan yang dijanjikan sangat berkualitas dan menunjukkan bahwa sebenarnya ada jaringan sosial yang kegiatannya tidak terpaku dengan aktivitas mencari teman, atau hanya mengobrol saja namun konten yang diskusikan di Goodreads ini adalah obrolan yang berkualitas dan mencerdaskan. Harapannya adalah agar melalui Goodreads ini, kita dapat menjaga dan melestarikan budaya membaca agar tidak ditinggalkan oleh generasi saat ini bahkan terus ditingkatkan dan juga agar melalui jaringan sosial jenis ini dapat menggelitik penulis maupun penerbit untuk menerbitkan buku yang lebih berkualitas.
Sumber :
• Narasumber : Harun Harahab (member Goodreads dan Klub Buku di Indonesia)
• http://id-id.facebook.com/pages/Goodreads/Posted by Sari R Syahrial at 12/11/2010 02:44:00 AM | Labels: Aku dan Artikelku | 0 comments | Kirimkan Ini lewat Email BlogThis! Bagikan ke X Berbagi ke Facebook |
Can you imagine, How ugly am I, Now? lets sing: I'm a big big girl in the big big thing...And it's a big thing for me. Up to 7 kilo from usual. Now, I have a chubby cheek, big arm, and also big thigh. Of course, It's not only because of media construction. No,I just feel annoying, This weight not also disturb my physic but also my activity, I feel such bring a heavy thing on my body, and make me lazy to do everything, just want go to sleep or just eating, sleeping..eating..sleeping eating. What a life, dude? Finally, I decide to go to fitness club. But..My appetite also grows. I can't suffer it. Hmmm...complicated.
Posted by Sari R Syahrial at 12/11/2010 02:24:00 AM | Labels: Aku dan Keseharianku | 3 comments | Kirimkan Ini lewat Email BlogThis! Bagikan ke X Berbagi ke Facebook |